Weekly Leadership Lifter

September 5, 2022

Do you know whose voice we hear the most of each day? Our own! Experts estimate that we think 60,000 - 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 2500 - 3300 thoughts per hour. The size of your achievements will never outgrow the size of your thinking.

To increase your success, you must upgrade your thoughts. A lot of us don't consider what types of thoughts we are thinking, but let me let you in on a secret I learned a long time ago while reading books by Norman Vincent Peale. YOUR THOUGHTS CONTROL YOUR WORLD. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR WORLD. So, make the decision today to think big! Think possibilities! Think opportunities!

Many of leader’s biggest problems aren’t staffing problems, organizational problems, or even cash flow problems—they are THINKING problems. They dream small. They think lack. They only see the negative. And as a result their world takes on the same color as their thoughts. Look at this verse from Proverbs 23:7 “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Let’s be intentional with our thinking.

"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.”
 — Wade Boggs"

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it — then I can achieve it.”
—Muhammad Ali

“Be positive. Your mind is more powerful than you think. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.”
—Tony Dungy

Are you a BIG thinker? Here’s how you can tell:

  1. BIG Thinkers anchor their life on God and His Word—they depend on Him for their vision and direction.
  2. BIG Thinkers eliminate excuses.
  3. BIG Thinkers think creatively.
  4. BIG Thinkers look at defeat and failure as opportunities for education and growth.
  5. BIG Thinkers see themselves in a better light.
  6. BIG Thinkers take action.
  7. BIG Thinkers enlarge their thinking with experiences, education, and relationships.
  8. BIG Thinkers create a first-class environment.
  9. BIG Thinkers focus on opportunities, not fear.
  10. BIG Thinkers improve their attitude.
  11. BIG Thinkers have a growth mindset.
  12. BIG Thinkers set clear goals.

Question for Growth: What do I think about the most each day?

Recommended Book:

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz, PhD


God is for you!
Pastor Blunt