Weekly Leadership Lifter

November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! In Matt. 5:1-2 in the Message version it says, “When Jesus saw His ministry drawing huge crowds He climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to Him, the committed, climbed with Him. Arriving at a quiet place, He sat down and taught His climbing champions.” Most people have the wrong concept of “climbing the ladder of success.” They think they must step on others to get to the top, make money their first priority, and live a life of selfishness. But God’s way is different. A “climber” in God’s sense is someone who successfully applies the principles of the Word to make it to the top and fulfill their God-given dreams. Continuing with our study on the characteristics of a “Climber,” today let’s look at letter “B” for boldness. 

  • C - COMMITTED - They don’t give up, no matter what. 
  • L - LEARNERS - They stay teachable and willing to learn. 
  • I - INTEGRITY - They don’t deal in shortcuts and compromises. 
  • M - MISSION - They have a purpose and they know where they are going. 
  • B - BOLDNESS - They’re not afraid to take a stand for what they believe.

"If you opt for a safe life, you will never know what it's like to win."
— Richard Branson

"Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Climbers” are leaders who are bold. They’re not afraid to take a stand. They’re not afraid to take a risk. As a result they achieve great things and inspire others to do the same.

Many of us know the name Walt Disney from the multibillion-dollar entertainment company he created. Most people think he had some creative ideas for movies, cartoons, and amusement parks and that it was all easy from the start. But the fact of the matter is, Disney would have never seen the success he did unless he was bold enough to take a risk. 

In 1952, as Walt began drafting plans for what would be called “Disneyland,” his company was barely making it. Embarking on a project as expensive as a Disneyland was a foolish idea and the Disney Board refused to go along with it. But Walt didn’t let it stop him. 

He went out and formed a brand-new company called WED and borrowed $50,000 from his life insurance to start on his dream. He also sold his second house and put even more funds into Disneyland. His friends laughed at him. His family worried about the risks he was taking, but guess what? His boldness paid off and Disneyland became a huge success. Today, the parks make more than any of Disney’s movies, but it wouldn’t have happened if Walt wasn’t bold and taken a risk. 

Bold leaders inspire their teams to think differently. They foster environments and cultures of innovation and positivity. A recent article in Inc. Magazine by Leigh Burgess on boldness said that this character trait is one successful leaders use to create a ripple effect of confidence and creativity in their organizations. 

So if you’ve been paralyzed by fear or a lack of confidence, shake yourself! Make the decision today that you will step out in boldness and confidence and watch it spread throughout your team.

 Book Recommendation:
How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life by Pat Williams


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God is for You!
Pastor Blunt


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