August 31, 2023
Over the last couple years it seems there has been an explosion of burnout and lack of motivation on a grand scale. Many people seem to have lost the fire and passion they once had for their careers, businesses, and aspirations. In 2021 we saw what many economists refer to as the "Great Resignation." In August of that year alone, 2.9% of the American workforce, roughly 4.3 million people quit their jobs. The American Psychological Association recently did a study that found 59% of employees experience negative impacts of stress. 26% of those said the stress manifests itself as lack of interest, motivation, and energy.
In last weeks Leadership Lifter, we took a little bit different approach to this problem. Instead of looking for new ways to fire ourselves up or looking for a new career, we decided to look for something else. We began to investigate our lives and look for the things that have been "demotivating" us.
Bobb Biehl, President of Masterplanning Group International says in his "Quick Focus" teaching that each and every one of us are highly motivated naturally, but life has 5 "de-motivators" that if left unchecked, will be sure to leave us burnt out, depressed, and stagnant.
Last week we looked at the first 3. Today we will conclude with the final two:
If there are areas of your life where you feel overwhelmed, you will experience major "demotivation." - What are the 1 - 3 areas in your life where you feel overwhelmed? What areas have you completely shut down your motivation? What are your 3 greatest resources you can to bring to bear on these areas? If you are going to remove or "fix" these areas you will need time, money, relationships, prayer, etc. You will have to DO something.
If you have a lack of clear, measurable, realistic goals, you will experience major "demotivation." - If you could only do 3 measurable things in the next 2 years, what would you most want to do? - Write them down. Put pictures up on your fridge and bathroom mirror, and watch your motivation begin to return. Biehl says, "Goals become like powerful magnets pulling you into the future."
"I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there, you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants."
— Zig Ziglar
Goals are how you and I will achieve great things. Brian Tracy says, "Goals fuel motivation and become the ultimate roadmap for your dreams." When we fail to set specific goals we are living a life of no intention. We are sitting back and letting life just happen "to" us. That is a sad place to be. When we live life that way, we lose all fire, expectation, and drive for the purpose God has for us.
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going."
— Earl Nightingale
Book Recommendation:
Goals! How to Get Everything You Want--Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy

God is for You,
Pastor David Blunt
Subscribe now for our weekly David M. Blunt Leadership Podcast on YouTube with new episodes every Monday at 7pm! This week Pastor shares how to mine for new ideas.
COTR Marketplace Ministry is a ministry for those in the marketplace and those interested in starting a business. Lifelong learners, entrepreneurs, and business owners meet to grow in their leadership and skills. This is a great place to network, build relationships and exchange ideas!
We invite you to join us on Saturday, September 9, at 5pm in the main campus lobby for an extraordinary gathering of like-minded individuals. Whether you're a lifelong learner, seasoned entrepreneur, aspiring businessperson, or simply interested in starting your own venture, this event is tailor-made for you!
We will have guest speaker, Chad Williams! Drawing from his experiences as a SEAL, Chad grabs hold of his listeners, illustrating the SEAL mindset and ethos that revolve around leadership, teamwork, integrity, safety, mental toughness, discipline, overcoming adversity and grit.
If you would like to showcase your business services or products, we have a unique opportunity to set up display tables at the event. For $60 you can reserve a table where you will be able to tell others about the services you provide and sell those services and/or products. We will open this 45 minutes before and 30 minutes after the Marketplace dinner to display your business.
Dinner and childcare are included in the price of your ticket. Purchase your tickets online for just $15 or $20 at the door.