COTR Rangers

Ready! Ready For Anything!

Ready to Work, Play, Serve, Worship, Live and Obey God's Word.

Weekly Gatherings

COTR Rangers gathers every Thursday from 6pm to 7:30pm in our Family Life and Learning Center (gym). During this time boys connect with each other and learn how to become Godly men through team building activities, group bible study, and training in a wide variety of skills that prepare them to be Godly men and leaders at home, at church and in the community.

High Adventure

COTR Rangers takes the lessons learned weekly and applies them beyond Thursday nights by going on camping adventures and other trips to practice the skills we are learning each week. We also engage in community service projects and outreach programs to give back to those around us because we are blessed to be a blessing, and to lead others to a God who is for them and help them discover His purpose for their life just as we have through COTR Rangers.


Training the next generation of Godly Men

  • RangerKids
  • Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

  • Discovery Rangers
  • 3rd - 5th Grade

  • Adventure Rangers
  • 6th - 8th Grade

  • Expedition Rangers
  • 9th - 12th Grade

Register Today

Registration: $150 per participant
Registering more than one boy? Ask us about family discounts!

Registration fee covers - National Registration with Royal Rangers, COTR Royal Rangers Shirt, Awards Vest, and Merit Badges.

Your son will be empowered to discover his unique purpose and become the Godly man he is called to be. Royal Rangers meets on Thursday nights at 6pm in the Family Life and Learning Center (gym).
please contact James Collins with any questions.


With God's help, I will do my best, to serve God my church and my fellow man, to live by the Ranger Code and to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.

Ready, Ready for Anything! Ready to:

  • Work
  • Play
  • Serve
  • Worship
  • Live
  • Obey God's Word
  • ALERT: mentally, physically and spirtually alert
  • CLEAN: clean in body, mind and speech
  • HONEST: does not lie, cheat or steal
  • COURAGEOUS: brave in spite of danger, criticism or threats
  • LOYAL: faithful to church, family, outpost and friends
  • COURTEOUS: polite, kind and thoughtful
  • OBEDIENT: obeys parents, leaders and those in authority
  • SPIRITUAL: prays, reads the Bible and witnesses
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. - Matthew 7:12
To lead people to a God who is for them and help them discover His purpose for their life.