You Cannot Find Until You Define.
Opportunity is all around you. What matters is where you put your focus. Ask yourself this question every day: "Where should my focus be?" Where you focus your attention, you create strength and momentum.
These are the characteristics of momentum: 1) it is single-minded; 2) it is unwavering in the pursuit of a goal; 3) it has passion which knows no limits; 4) it demands a concentrated intensity and a definite sense of destiny; and, most of all, 5) it has a boundless vision and commitment to excellence.
Concentration is the key that opens the door to accomplishment. "The first law of success is concentration—to bend all your energies to one point and go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor to the left" (William Mathews). The most successful people have always been people with concentration. They struck their blows in one place until they accomplish their purpose. They’re of one specific idea, one steady aim, and one single concentrated purpose.
What a great abyss between some people's dreams and the results they achieve! It’s due to the difference in their commitment to bring together all the options of their ability and to focus them upon one point.
There are two quick ways to disaster: taking nobody's advice and taking everybody's advice. Learn to say no to the good so you can say yes to the best. A.P. Goethe said there are three qualifications for success:
1) A big waste basket—you must know what to eliminate;
2) It is important to know what to preserve;
3) It is important to know when to say no, for developing the power to say no gives us the capacity to say yes".
We accomplish things by directing our desires, not by ignoring them. What an immense power you have over your life when you possess distinct aims. Your words, the tone of your voice, your dress, and your very motions change and improve when you begin to live for a reason.
Don't be a person who is uncertain about the future and hazy about the present. Stay in the groove without making it a rut. Make something your specialty. Even God, who is God, cannot please everyone, so don't you try. You cannot find until you define. To finish the race, stay on the track.
I’m astonished at the aimlessness of most people's lives and how easily they delegate the direction of their lives to others. "Learn to define yourself, to content yourself with some specific thing and some definite work; dare to be what you really are, and to learn to accept with good grace all that you are not" (Anonymous).