Day 7


In the first four books of the New Testament, Jesus asked over 150 questions! Here’s a man who’s known as “The Answer.”—He’s asking all the questions. Why?

I’ve always observed this characteristic of productive and successful people—they ask good questions.  I saw that whether or not these people acted was greatly influenced by the questions they asked.  I observed as they asked more outstanding questions, their focus in life changed and improved.  They automatically became more productive!

Life’s most important answers can be found in asking the right questions.  So, consider these:

Both enthusiasm and pessimism are contagious. How much of each do you spread?

If someone were to pay you a hundred dollars for each kind word you spoke and collect fifty dollars for each unkind word, would you be rich or poor?

Are you ready for your opportunity when it comes?

Do you make others feel bigger or smaller when they're around you?

Are you spending your life answering questions nobody is asking?

Ten years from today, what will you wish you had done now?

If you have God's promise for something, isn't that enough?

Why worry when you can pray?

How old is your attitude?

Are you ready?

Do you acquire the doubts of others?

Are you willing to follow the truth no matter where it leads?

How much has fear and worry about things that never happened cost you?

Do you go through a problem—or try to go around it and never get past it?

Do you say, “There ought to be a better way to do it or do you say, that's the way it's always been done?”

Are you deliberately planning to be less than you’re capable of being?

If not you, then who?  If not now, then when?  (Hillel)

Are you willing to give up what you have to become what you can be?

What do you believe in the depth of your being?

What is the first, small step you can take to get moving?

Do you look at the horizon and see an opportunity, or look into the distance and fear a problem?

Do you put off until tomorrow the things you've already put off until today?

Has failure gone to your head?

Does your reach exceed your grasp?

"Do you spend the first six days of each week sowing wild oats, then go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure?" (Fred Allen)

Are you traveling or going somewhere?

Are you always ready to live but never living?

Do you see difficulties in every opportunity, or see opportunities in every difficulty?

Are you content with failure?

"What progress are you standing in the way of?" (Tim Redmond)

Does God seem far away?  If so, guess who moved.  He's never more than a prayer or praise away.

Is anything too hard for the Lord? (Gen 18:14)